Photos Varese 2008 - team cars / buses

Below you can find an overview of the 13 photographs from the category Varese 2008 - team cars / buses. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

The Colombian team car (442x)
The Garmin Chipotle team bus (618x)
The QuickStep bus and the Belgian team car (540x)
The Belgian Cycling Team car (545x)
The Liquigas team bus - wearing its Varese 2008 colours since the start of this cycling season (503x)
The Brazilian team car (427x)
The car of the Fédération Française de Cyclisme / the magazine La France Cycliste at the supermarket (546x)
The Slovenian cycling team car (511x)
The USA cycling team car (508x)
The Belgian Cycling Team car (2) (604x)
The Luxembourg cycling team car (489x)
The Liquigas, Vittoria (Barloworld) and Cofidis buses (562x)
The Tunisian team car (471x)